Racial Justice & Equality...
A spiritual practice.

I am the founder of Sacred Mysteries World Wide. I am a woman of African descent, born in the United States. My experience growing up in the 1960s & 1970s in New York City is etched with racism, bigotry and inequality... I was shielded as best as could be by my parents, but I could still feel it even as young a child. I directly experienced racial hate first-hand, as well, from white children and adults as I ventured out on my own.
Being spiritual and believing in Human Kind's ability to evolve does not make me numb, blind or distant from my and my black and brown people's experience in the United States and across the world. The spiritual tone in the United States is usually one of, "we are all spirit first." Yes, while this is a universal truth, we are not anywhere close to realizing it in everyday life. Our responsibility as spiritual people is to address all ills in our circle of influence on the physical, mental, spiritual and societal levels.
Racial Justice is a movement whose agenda is to dismantle the iniquities within the justice system. At the root of these iniquities are the racial constructs this nation was built upon during the violent birthing of the United States and the terror and pain of the Black and Brown Holocausts that are the ugly and tyrannical truth of this Nation's history.
I have partnered with my Sister in Spirit and Spiritual Service, Rev. Cara Valentino. She answered a "calling" and has taken personal responsibility and action to lead spaces and places of dialog to promote understanding and healing of the racial bias that permeates every aspect of American society. May the work she and all others are doing reverberate out to all the societies around the world also plagued by these injustices.
I dedicate this page in support of her and anyone else's work in this most crucial arena to bring more awareness and more involvement in healing what is America's biggest, most ugliest illness.
In the spirit of love and healing,
Rev. Mignon Grayson
Join the Healing
​Rev. Cara currently holds space in Durham, N.C. for those who wish to have fellowship and dialog on the issues of racial justice and racial equity. If you are in the Durham area and would like to participate, please see the following links below:
Link to the Durham People of Color Meditation Group for Healing Race Based Trauma. Space is held weekly, every Monday night. Every other Monday is a closed group for people of color. On alternate Mondays, the space open for community conversation on race, all are welcome.
Racial Equity Institute's has a two day training, which gives a factual and non-emotional evidence-based timeline of every law and policy written in the last several hundred years - dates, laws, and policies, all facts - that created institutional racism, the factual evidence of how white supremacy was codified in perfectly plain language.
Inspirational Leaders in Racial Equality and Justice:
Rev. Angel Kyodo Wlliams, a Black Dharma Teacher, Author of "Radical Dharma"
Lama Rod Owens, Radical Dharma Teacher,
Andrew JiYu Weiss, Meditation Teacher